Yamji Karma Companion

The core principles of Yamji are simple yet impactful:

Here is the thing: when you go out looking for an opportunity to do something good for others, you often won’t find it. It comes to you naturally along the way, and that’s when you need to take charge and decide whether it is worth helping someone in the current scenario. Is the person in real trouble and honest? If so, you need to make a fair and honest judgment and do the good deed.

  • Love others: Show compassion and kindness to everyone you encounter. No caste, no religion, no color, no rich or poor. Treat everyone as Human Being.
  • Help others: Extend a helping hand to those in need and support them in their journey without expecting anything from in return.
  • Remember Divine: If you are about to do something which is not right. Always remember Divine who maintains a record of all good and evil actions or Karmas of every living being to present it to Divine Yam for the justice.
  • Be honest always: Keep honesty in everything you do. Stay honest in every action and interaction.

If you can’t decide whether the person is honest, leave it to Divine Yam, who is watching and recording every action we take. He is known for his fair and honest judgment, which follows you even after life.

Yamji Founder Vidit Gandhi

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