Employee volunteering

Find a deeper sense of purpose by doing good deeds
By volunteering for causes they deeply care about, your employees will feel more engaged in every part of their work, home, and social lives.

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Volunteer events
Imagine, organize, and enjoy one-time or recurring events for your employees tohelp the community and the planet.
Long-term skill sharing
Build meaningful relationships with nonprofits in need by empowering your team to share their expertise for special projects
Cause-based campaigns
Focus your employees’ time and energy on your organization’s corecause areas with a targeted, evergreen campaign
Dollars for Doers
Reward volunteers with a corporate donation to a relevant nonprofit, or “Karma Points” which your employees can give to an approved nonprofit of their choice.


Employee volunteering



Employee engagement
Our partners are seeing a direct causal link between agreater sense of togetherness and purpose at work with hiring,retention, and long-term fulfillment.
Social impact & Corporate social responsibility
Your organization needs to efficiently allocate companyresources—like money and people-power—to important causes.Our dedicated virtual space helps you organize fundraisers andevents, ramp up participation, and use data to steer your programto new heights.
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG)
Rally your employees around sustainability, inclusivity, and a fairer workplace for all. Yamji’s all-good-in-one platform democratizes ESG, so your whole team can contribute to the massive project of making your organization a force for good in the world.